Flame retardant protective clothing standards



This standard applies to industrial furnaces, metal heat processing, welding, chemical, petroleum and other places engaged in open flame or emitting sparks or operating in the vicinity of molten metal, as well as in combustible materials and the risk of fire, the fire-retardant protective clothing (hereinafter referred to as fire-retardant clothing) worn to prevent the human body from fire damage due to the burning of clothing.

Flame retardant protective clothing standards

1 Subject content and scope of application

This standard specifies the technical requirements of flame retardant protective clothing, test methods, inspection rules, as well as signs, transportation, storage requirements.

This standard applies to industrial furnaces, metal heat processing, welding, chemical, petroleum and other places engaged in open flame or emitting sparks or operating in the vicinity of molten metal, as well as in combustible materials and the risk of fire, the fire-retardant protective clothing (hereinafter referred to as fire-retardant clothing) worn to prevent the human body from fire damage due to the burning of clothing.

2 Terminology

Flame retardant protective clothing: refers to the direct acceptance of flame and hot objects, can slow down the spread of flame, so that clothing charring to form an isolation layer, in order to protect the safety and health of human use of protective clothing.

3 Technical requirements

3.1 Flame-retardant clothing quality requirements of the finished product

3.1.1 Appearance: Garment quality requirements according to GB2661-81.

3.1.2 Strength of the joint parts of the garment laminated or stitched: test according to the method specified in 4.2, the tensile strength should meet the requirements of Table 1.

Tensile load│29.4N (3kg-f) or more

3.2 Structure design

Flame-retardant clothing includes cap, coat, pants, outerwear and shoe cover.

3.2.1 The general structure design of flame retardant clothing must meet the following requirements. Lightweight and firm to facilitate human activities. Easy to wear and take off, with a certain sense of comfort. Flame-retardant clothing on the general requirements of the clothing bag should be with a cover to avoid the accumulation of splash molten metal or other contaminants. Sewing and processing according to GB2661-81.

3.2.2 Flame-retardant clothing must be appropriate to leave ventilation pores, in order to facilitate perspiration and regulate body temperature. However, the ventilation pores shall not affect the structural strength of the garment, as well as the pore structure shall not allow external foreign objects to string into the interior of the garment.

3.3 Materials

3.3.1 clothing requirements: the use of flame retardant finishing and can withstand multiple washing (placed in the washing machine synthetic laundry detergent, according to the general laundry concentration, temperature 60 ℃, washing time 15min, washing more than 50 times) of the fabric. Shall not use hot fusion and can collect static electricity and discharge of the fabric.

3.3.2 Stitching requirements: shall not use synthetic fiber yarn.

3.3.3 Accessories: Buckles and hooks should be easy to connect and unhook. Buckle, hook material shall not use fusible and flammable materials (if the buckle, hook sewn inside the garment, not subject to this restriction).

4 Inspection methods

4.1 Appearance inspection: Check whether the structure of the garment conforms to the requirements of 3.1, 3.2.

4.2 Strength test of the combined parts of the garment: cut the test piece with a width of 50mm and a length of 200mm from the center of the four parts of the finished garment and pants, install it on the tensile testing machine with a width of 50mm and a clamping distance of 150mm, conduct tensile test with a tensile speed of 200mm/s, find out the fracture load of each test piece, and take the low value as the tensile strength of the combined parts.

4.3 Flame retardant performance test: GB5455-85 "textile fabric flame retardant performance determination vertical method".

4.4 flame retardant performance test index requirements see

After the flame retardant finishing of the fabric, to reach the second level is qualified. The first grade is an excellent product. Test fabric after 50 times of washing, shall not be less than the third grade, in the test found that the textile products have melting shrinkage phenomenon for unqualified products.

5 Inspection rules

5.1 Where the production of flame-retardant fabrics and the production of flame-retardant clothing products need to be designated by the state quality supervision and inspection departments to monitor the inspection, such as the product meets the requirements of this standard, issued a certificate of conformity, before mass production is allowed.

5.2 State-designated technical departments of flame retardant fabric manufacturers or garment factories and the use of the department's products should be regular sampling, when the product is found to be substandard, should be retested in the same batch of products, such as the retest is still substandard, the batch of products immediately stop selling, pending processing.

5.3 During the three-year storage period, the flame retardant performance should be basically stable, and the connected parts should be solid and reliable. Beyond the storage period of the product, should be sent to the inspection, re-identify whether qualified.

5.4 products with the textile fabric quality performance test by the corresponding units in the textile sector. By the production plant is responsible for product self-inspection, and is responsible for the quality of its products.

5.5 clothing products should be cut off 1m as the work sent for inspection, such as products per batch greater than 10,000m, every 10,000m should be cut off 1m sent to the technical inspection department for inspection.

5.6 Production of flame retardant clothing manufacturers to send 2 sets of inspection when producing less than 2,000 sets, and every additional 2,000 sets to send 2 sets of inspection again.

6 Logo, transportation and storage

6.1 The outer packaging of the product should have the following signs: manufacturer's name (or trademark), certificate number, product name, quantity, grade, item number, production lot and date, gross weight, packaging date.